Sunday, February 24, 2008

what future of media do you want

For 25 years now my dad and i wanted the world's biggest public broadcaster to be systemised the other way round than it is so that every community can enjoy connecting into globalsiation. We wanted enough free speech to start a reality tv program where a nobel laureate inspired the world to search out 30000 community rising projects

Instead it seems to me in 2008 we have this. Of course I would be delighted if any journalist would show that I am wrong, that open investigative journalism with global audiences is alive and well if we tune in to .... WHERE?

My friends are dead serious about this.
Look at the BBC. When is the last time its top has let its journalists explore a big world shaping issue. Youth are good at exploring - meaning curiosity and being comfy with making mistakes along the way until the whole big picture. Its not asking about the cause or the remedies of subprime's trillion dollar loss. It was prepared to be censored from are there weapons of mass destruction before the iraq war.

Its all a house of cards where top people and every journalist chained up to the worry about their own individual reputation first and thereby ending up not asking a free press's questions for and by the people with the least voice and the most desperate need of journalism's whole truth In the old days when journalism worked for people, there used to be a policy -never put a jouranlist on a feild they are expert at- let them question openly. Today's guru journalist is too expert -in spite of real time processing - to dare to communicate errors as well as corrects - result = censoring the true curiiosity need if we are ever to change any historical imperfection
- and by goodness , this century has a hangover of historical junk that is wating away the planet and peoples and the joy of learning openly and cross-culturally
chris macrae dc bureau usa 301 881 1655

tell us where a tv program does enjoy asking dr yunus big questions

eg canada -